Saturday, April 18, 2009

Class 9 In-Class Assignment - MattPress, now with comments

It's ugly, but it works! Click here for MattPress!

Homework Class 8 - Blogging Site

Still working on setting up a foreign key so it posts usernames instead of user id numbers. But here it is: MattPress!

Homework - Class 7

Realized I never republished the link from last week after I finished. Here it is -, the best photo uploading site on the Web!

Here's the link.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Okay, I'm not getting this. We really need to cover this material in class tomorrow. My site remains basically the same. Got the image names to break in the txt file (/n or \n never worked so I put in a break tag) but all I can get is for the first image to show up on the page so I didn't bother to put it in the right page. I am having a lot of difficulty with this. I hope I'm not the only one.

Here's the link.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Progress, Brick Walls

Okay, I'm done for the night.

Progress: Managed to get file uploads to write file path, caption and usernames to the .txt file, although for some reason the /n is not causing it to line break. I've also managed to set cookies and basically work out the login and registration pages.

Brick Walls: Now that I've got the file info writing to the .txt file, I have to figure out how to a) get it to line break and b) turn into an array which I can then get to appear on the homepage as actual images. I have no idea how to do this.

If you want to see what I have so far, click here.