Saturday, May 9, 2009

Final Project!

It's done! Click the image above to see it.

I decided to have fun with it - so I did a Web site for my Album of the Year winners (I'm a music geek). You can scroll through all the winners (all the info, art, everything is pulled from databases via mySQL and php, so there's only one actual page other than the home/register and login pages). Besides reading what I've written about each album (that took a long time!) you can view a YouTube video, check out the tracklist and then log in and comment on each album, and assign star ratings to them, which will appear with your post (as well as your name, hometown and timestamp).

I've also used some basic javascript to show the years when you hover on and off the thumbs on the left nav. For an easter egg, click my name on the bottom.

Actually, I'm still not quite done - I want to add album trivia, some embedded podcasts I've made, a list of album runnerups...but I had to be realistic to meet the class' deadline. But I definitely plan to build on this, as I learn new skills, and use it in the future. I want to take a Flash class and incorporate that on the homepage.

See you all in a few hours!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt! Love it! It's awesome!
    Send me the pics so I can put on our group in FB. =)
